Monday, March 12, 2012
Werner Heisenberg
It's a fact
Johannes stark a fellow German scientist and Nobel laureate in physics 1919,was particulary critical of Jewish scientist such as Albert Einstein.When Werner Heisenberg defended Einstein and his theory of relativity Stark wrote an article in the Nazi journal Das Schwarze Korps,where he described Heisenberg as a "White Jew".It is noted that after a character investigation by the Nazis,Heisenberg was clear of charges filed against him and was given a clearance by Nazis SS leader Heinrich Himmler.
Werner Heisenberg
~~~~~~~~Oppenheimer of Nazi Germany.
Born:5 December 1901,Würzburg,Germany
Died:1 February 1976 (aged 74)Munich,Germany
Institutions:University of Göttingen(1924)
University of Copenhagen(1926-27)
University of Leipzig(1927-41)
University of Berlin(1941)
University of St. Andrews(1955-56)
University of Munich(1958)
Alma mater:University of Munich
Academic advisors:Arnold Sommerfeld
Notable students:Felix Bloch,Edward Teller,Rudolph E. Peierls,Friedwardt Wintreberg
Known for:Uncertainty Principle,Quantum Mechanics,Philosophy of physics
Notable awards: Nobel Prize in Physics (1932)
Whrner Heisenberg was a German physicist of the same calibre as Einstein,who had the privilege of associating with some of the greatest physicists of his time.He worked with Niels Bohr in Copenhagen,Arnold Sommerfeld in Munich and max Born in Gottingen,three giants of 20th century physics.
Even Heisenberg's father was a professor at University of Wurzburg.Heisenberg later wrote "I lwarned optimism from Sommerfeld,mathematics at Gottingen,and physics from Bohr."
After he won the Nobel prize for physics in 1932 he later unsuccessfully led the Nazi Germany's war time atomic bomb project.some historians assume that this futile endeavour is not because of Heisenberg's inability or lack of capability but because he jeopardized this intentionally not to put nuclear weapons in Nazi hands.For this reason Heisenberg can be named as "Oppenheimer of Nazi Germany"
Heisenberg's mentor Bohr's model of the atom failed to explain some observational data in experimental physics.And later Heisenberg formulated his matrix mechanics.He was helped in this job by Max Born and Pascual Jordan.Heisenberg later received the 1932 Nobel prize for physics.
Heisenberg also proposed the Uncertainty Principle in 1927,a cornerstone of quantum mechanics.quantum mechanics was the attempt by physicists to explain mechanics at the subatomic level which could not be explained by Newtonian mechanics or relativity.Heisenberg was at the forefront of this exercise of formulating mechanics at subatomic level,named quantum mechanics.Heisenberg's the Uncertainty states that it is impossible to determine both the position and momentum of a particle at the same time.If you determine one properly the other will not be precisely determined.And vice versa.This principle in quantum mechanics was successful explaining lot of observation in atomic physics and later this was applied to other areas like energy and time as well.It is notable that Heisenberg was inspired and helped by Max Born,who was a theoretical physicist at at Gottingen.Heisenberg and Born,who was the professor of theoretical physics at Gottingen went for walks in the vicinity of the university discussing physics,The result of these discussions was the uncertainty principle which is fundamental to physics.In the late 1920s and early '30s, Heisenberg collaborated with Wolfgang Pauli,and along with Paul Dirac, developed an early version of quantum electrodynamics.However, at the time, nobody could get rid of the infinities plaguing the theory,and it was only after World war II that a technique called re normalization was invented to take care of the infinities occurring in this theory.
Heisenberg also proposed that the atomic nucleus consist of protons and neutrons and explained the nuclear spin of isotopes(which are atoms of the same element having the same atomic number but different atomic mass due to different number of neutrons in these atomic nucleolus).
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