Friday, December 16, 2011
Edward witten
it's a fact
the h index is an index that quantifies both the scientific productivity and the scientific impact of a scientist.the index is based on the set of the scientist's most quoted papers and the number of citations that they have received in other people's publications.The index can also be applied to the productivity and impact of a group of scientists,such as a department or university or country.Ed Witten has the highest h-index of any living physicist as of 2007.
Edward witten
~~~~~~~~Einstein of Our Time.
Born: Ahg 26 1951Nationality:American
Filed: Theoretical physicist
Institution: Institute for Advanced
Study,PrincetonAlma mater:Brandeis University
Academic advisor :David Gross
Know for:String Theory,M-Theory
Quantum Field Theory
Notable prizes:Field M edal(1990)
crafoord Prize(2008)
If you ask the question "Who is the best physicist in the world today?" Most physicists would say it is Ed Witten.Witten is generally considered as the true successor to Einstein.He is currently the Charles Simonyi professor of mathematical physics in the School of Natural Science at the Institute of Advanced Study,University of Princeton.
He is a leading physicist in the field known as string theory, which is a very successful attempt to unify all forces of nature into one single theory. String theories consider that tiny ,high dimensional strings , closed into loops , vibrate to produce the various components of matter. Witten appeared in the list of TIME magazine's 100 most influential people of 2004 for his contribution to string theory.
Edward Witten was born in to a Jewish family , where his father was a physicist. Witten received his history degree from Brandeis University and briefly worked as a political journalist and covered the presidential campaign of George McGovern in 1972. He later attended University of Princeton and did his Ph.D. in physics under David Gross, Nobel Prize winner in Physics 2004.
After receiving his doctorate Witten went to Harvard, where he was a Postdoctoral Fellow during 1976- 1977 and then a Junior Fellow from 1977-1980.
In 1980 Witten was appointed as professor of physics at University of Princeton. He was awarded a Macarthur fellowship in 1982 and remained as a Professor of Physics at Princeton until 1987, when he was appointed as a Professor in the School of Natural Sciences at the Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton.
Witten was awarded the Fields Medal in 1990 , the most prestigious award in Mathematics and became the first physicist to win the Fields Medal. Sir Michael Atiyah, another leading Mathematician said of Ed Witten, "Although he is definitely a physicist, his command of mathematics is rivalled by few mathematicians... Time and time again he has surprised the mathematical community by his brilliant application of physical insight leading to new and deep mathematical theorems... he has made a profound impact on contemporary mathematics.
In his hands physics is once again providing a rich source of inspiration and insight in mathematics". It is notable that Atiyah did much to popularize Witten's insights in physics among Mathematicians the world over.
In recent years Witten's new duality symmetries are studied and physicists have obtained much more far reaching understanding of string theories that have many implications in theoretical physics. It is said that even the Little notes he writes after waking up in the morning is so profound that some of his fellow scientists take two years to understand these.
Much of Witten's early work was involved in application of the standard model of particle physics. He has also written many influential papers on Quantum Chromodynamics, which explains the strong force that binds protons in the atomic nucleus.
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