Friday, December 16, 2011
Michael Faraday
it,s a Fact
In the class-based English society of the time,Faraday was not considered an aristocratic gentlemen.When Davy went on a long tour to Europe in 1813-5,his valet did not wish to go.Faraday went as Davy's scientific assistant,and was asked to act as Davy's valet until a replacement could be found in paris.Davy failed to find a replacement,and Faraday was forced to fill the role of valet as well as assistant throughout the trip.Davy's wife,Jane,refused to treat Faraday as an aqual(marking him travel outside the coach,eat with the servants,etc.)and generally made Faraday so miserable that he contemplated returning to england alone and giving up science altogether.However he was lucky enough to see Napoleon Bonaparte,when Davy had a meeting with the emperor.Faraday later said that Napoleon pretended to understand and know more than Napoleon actually knew.!!!
Michael Faraday
~~~~~~The Greatest Experimenter of all Times.
Born : Sep 22,1791,south London,England
Died : Aug 25,1867(aged 75),Hampton Court,
Residence : England
Nationality : English
Field : Physicist and Chemist
Institutions : Royal Institution
Academic advisor : Humphry Davy
Known for : Electromagnetic induction,
Electrochemistry,Faraday Effect,Field Theory
Notable prizes : Royal Medal(1846)
Religion : Sandemanian
Michael Faraday did ground breaking research in electromagnetism and electrochemistry. Yet it is not well known about the fact that Faraday knew very little mathematics other than arithmetic and only simple algebra!!! Yet he was very important in the history of physics,and gave the foundation for Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of light some time later in the century.
In history there are scientists who are great experimenters and others are good theoretician.There are exceptions to this rule and there were scientists who were good in theoretical and experimental science,examples being Hermann Von Helmholtz and Heinrich Hertz.But the greatest experimental scientist,it is beveled by historians in an English scientist of 19th century.He is none other than Michael Faraday.
Michael Faraday did ground breaking research in electromagnetism and electrochemistry.Yet it is not well known about the fact that Faraday knew very little mathematics other than arithmetic and only simple algebra!! Yet he was very important in the history of physics,and gave the foundation forMaxwell's electromagnetic theory of light some time later in the century.Such was Faraday's physical intuition.It is noted that Faraday theorized field theory by comparing lines of force to rubber bands which are stretched.
Because of finacial constraints as a child,Faraday had to work as an errand boy and then as a bookbinder's assistant.In his spare time he read books that he could get hold of from other people.He read books on science.Later Faraday attended lectures given by eminent English chemist and physicist Humphry Davy of the Institution and Royal Society,and John Tatum,founder of the City Philosophical Society.Many tickets for these lectures were given to Faraday by William Dance.Afterwardas,Faraday sent SirHumpherey Davy a three hundred page book based on notes taken during the lectures.Faraday wanted any job,even a very small job in science because of his interest in science.To the surprise of Faraday, Davy's reply was immediate,kind, and favourable.When Davy damaged his eyesight in an accident with nitrogen trichloride,he decided to employ Faraday as his secretary.When John Payne,one of the Royal institution's assistants,was fired, Sir Humphry Davy was asked to find a replacement.Afterwards he appointed Faraday as Chemical Assistant at the Royal Institution.
While working at the Royal InstitutionFaraday manage to liquefy chlorine and in 1825 isolated Benzene,a chemical that was pivotal in the development of organic chemistry.Faraday also did experiments in electricity and in 1831 discovered electro-magnetic induction,independently of Joseph Henry.This discovery coincided with his discovery that a magnet could induce an alternative current in a wire that is moving and vice-versa.He was able to convert mechanical energy into electric motors and a generator.Because of all this Faraday is considered the foremost scientist in the development of the usage of electricity in normal everyday life.
In 1833 Faraday became Fullerian Professor of Chemistry at Royal Institution and continued his research into electricity as well as electrochenmistry.Among his other discoveries are scientific phenomena like diamagnetism and electrolysis.He also established that magnetism could affect rays of light and that there was an underlying relationship between the two phenomena.Faraday invented an early form of the Bunsen burner and the system of oxidation numbers,and popularized terminology such as anode,cathode,electrode,and ion used in chemistry.
Faraday is famous for giving a successful series of lectures on the chemistry and physics of flames at the Royal Institution,entitled "The Chemical History of a Candle"which became very popular.This was one of the earliest Chemistmas lectures for young people,which are still given each year.Between 1827 and 1860,Faraday gave the Chemistmas lecture a record nineteen times.He once said that you can teach a lot of chimistry and science with using only a lit candle.
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