Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sir Winston Churchill

It's fact,
Winston Churchill had other members of parliament arguing with him,specially Lady Nancy Astor,one of the first women MPs in Britain. He once told her that having a woman in Parliament was like having one intrude on him in the bathroom, to which she retorted, "You're not handsome enough to have such fears". Another time when Lady Astor was giving a costume ball, Churchill asked her what disguise she would recommend for him. She replied, "Why don't you come sober, Prime Minister?" The most famous of all such anecdotes occurred when Lady Astor said to Churchill, "If you were my husband, I'd poison your tea." To which he responded, "Madam, if you were my wife, I'd drink it!" However, the most famous of all exchanges between Churchill and Lady Astor is this one: Lady Astor: "Mr. Churchill, you are drunk!" Winston Churchill: "Yes, and you, Madam, are ugly but tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still be ugly."

Sir Winston Churchill
~~~~~~~~~~The War time Leader of Great Britain

Sir Winston Spencer Leonard Churchill
Born: 30 November 1874 Blenheim, Oxfordshire, England
Died: 24 January 1965 (aged 90) Hyde Park, London, England
Resting place: St Martin's Church, Bladon
Nationality: British
Political party: Conservative (1900-1904, 1924-1964), Liberal (1904-1924)
Spouse: Clementine Churchill
Children: Diana Churchill, Randolph Churchill Sarah Tuchet-Jesson, Marigold Churchill, Mary Soames
Residence: Chartwell
Profession: Member of Parliament/soldier/ writer/historian
Religion: Anglican

Famous quotes by Winston Churchill
1. "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the oportunity in every difficulty".
2. "Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm."
3. "There are a terrible lot of lies going about the world, and the worst of it is that half of them are true".
4. "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak: courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen". •

Second World War saw the emergence of Germany as a rejuvenated world power under the guidance of Adolf Hitler. And Great Britain had the task of almost single handedly to resist Germany in the initial stages of the War. The British politician who took on this endeavour to fight against Germany at that time was the first Lord of the Admiralty, Sir Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill was one of the greatest Prime Ministers of Great Britain. He was also a brilliant orator, writer, historian and a painter who came from a very influential family. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953, a rare achievement for a politician. He is credited with the famous saying "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat" among others.

Being a brilliant orator he roused the feelings of the British public and inspired them to resist Germany during the World War. It is notable that he later coined the term "Iron Curtain" to denote the division between Eastern and Western Europe on the grounds of political affiliations of the European nations.

The Right Honorable Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born on November 30th 1874 at Blenheim Castle. His father was Lord Randolph Churchill and his mother was an American Jennie Jerome. In 1888 Winston entered Harrow School but never made the upper school and later graduated from Royal Military College at Sandhurst. Later he served as military observer with the Spanish forces in Cuba.

In 1897 he served in the Indian Army in the Malakand expedition, and in 1899 went to South Africa as a war corre-spondent for the London Morning Post to report on Boer war. He was later captured and taken to prison camp in Pretoria . He later made a dramatic escape which made him world famous.

On January 23rd ,1901 Churchill became a Member of Parliament of Oldham (Lan-cashir e) under the Conservative Party ticket. In 1908 to 1910 he served as a president of the Board of Trade and served as the Home Secretary from 1910 to 1911. At the outbreak of the Second World War he was appointed first Lord of the Admiraltya post he held earlier from 1911 to 1915. Thus Churchill with Lord Beaverbrook were the only two people to be members of cabinet of UK during both world wars.

On May 10th ,1940 Winston Churchill became Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of GB and spearheaded Britain's war against Germany . He again became the Prime Minister in 1951 and resigned in 1955. However he remaind a MP until the general election of 1964, when he did not seek reelection.

Churchill's literary career began with campaign reports: the story of the Malakand Field Force (1898) and the River War (1899). In 1910 he published his only novel Savrola which strangely anticipated later developments in history. Later he published biography of his father Lord Randolph Churchill and his great ancestor the Duke of Marlborough. Churchill's
"History of the First World War" which appeared in four volumes under the title of The World Crisis (1923-1929). And his memoirs on the Second World War ran to six volumes (1948-1954). He later wrote his History of the English Speaking Peoples (1956-1958). His brilliant speeches are recorded in the Unrelenting Struggle (1942), the Dawn of liberation (1945) and Victory (1946).

In 1.908 Winston Churchill married Clementine Hozier anc had one son and four daughters. It was later revealed by Churchill that the act of courting and marrying ClementinE was one of his greatest achievements. On April 9th 1963 hE received by a special Act of the US Congress, the unprece. dented honor of being made an honorary American citizen by President Kennedy.


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