Thursday, April 26, 2012

the greatest quotes ever

1."The world is a dangerous place,not because of those who do evil,but because of those who look on and do nothing." -Albert Einstein-
(1879-1955 greatest scientists in 20th century,he famous in physics experiment)  

2."Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little."-Edmund Burke-
(He was born in Ireland and well famous with philosophy in 18th century) 

3.“There are two kinds of people who never amount to much: those who cannot do what they are told, and those who can do nothing else.” -Cyrus Curtis-
(He was a  American publisher and well popular with Ladies' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post)

 4."To avoid criticism do nothingsay nothing, be nothing."- Elbert Hubbard-
(He was a multitalanted  person and make successes in Writer, publisher, artist, philosopher)

5."Now we has a only two nation one is who loves to the nation and others are who hate to the nations"- -president Mahinda Rajapaksha-
(He said that after winning third Elam war between Srilanka Army and LTTE organization)


Verdi Laurent said...

My Quote:
' Let us not waste our health to look for treasure and then squandered our treasure to seek health ' - Verdi

Unknown said...

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